Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Final Movie for Drop-Box/Hand-in

Had some trouble with the windows movie maker software. My movie re-opened the next morning 'corrupted' by then it was too late to try and add the 'balls' into the start of the movie. This was fustrating as I had perfected my footage, filming and the movie the night before. The link posted is my FINAL digi movie! enjoy.
Final Movie Snaps:
3. Screen shot of movie  
2. Screen shot of movie
1. Screen shot of movie

Monday, 27 May 2013

Feedback & Critique: (from submission video)
I am going to Introduce the glowing ‘ball’(s) at the start of my film so the end and the start will link back to all of the movie. I will do this by making the ball not so ‘random’ so that it ties into the models concept and film. I like the way the model is reflecting figure ground at sections of the film. I think i will take ollies feedback and refilm sections so that there is a link between the start-middle-end of film. This will create even more of a 'world' inhabitated model.  I still really like the hand texture of the model and the glowing, black and white effects, so am not going to change this. I played around with adding 'still' shots of my movie into my film. Although, I decided I didnt like the way it flowed into/with the movie so left the shots out and will post the shots with the end movie.

Feedback from Ollie

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Inside view of FINAL model in CryEngine
(Snapshot from Submission Movie)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Getting my new model moving: (Animation)
View inside the 'tunnel' developing
Material/Colour: Hand drawn pencil & ink texture. 
To push this even further I am going to explore duplicating the model 
and creating a world full of these 'tunnel like vortexes' 
spinning un-controllably in space.